Our Purpose, Approach, and Values

Our Purpose

Every Child Succeeds partners with families and communities to strengthen family wellbeing, support healthy environments, and optimize infant and toddler development.

Our Approach

We make a difference through a dynamic approach that embraces multiple dimensions of the prenatal to age three service system. We use data and evidence to hold ourselves accountable and inform continuous improvement needed to make a positive impact on families’ lives, and advance equity in our community.

Our approach to partnering with families and communities is grounded in:

  • Family Care - We take the time to get to know each family, and the goals they hold for themselves and their children. We provide families with personalized, high-quality services tailored to their unique strengths and situations.

  • Partnerships - We actively forge and foster connections within communities to collaborate in service of shared goals. We take responsibility for delivering excellence within our realm of expertise and linking families to the services and resources they may need.

  • Research - We conduct rigorous research to understand what is working, what can be improved, and how to innovate within prenatal to age three services.

  • Advocacy - We work with partners to advance policies and practices that build a comprehensive system of early childhood care and remove or mitigate barriers to families’ access to resources.

  • Equity - We strive to ensure that all families have the resources and supports they need to access high-quality care for physical and emotional wellbeing, achieve educational and occupational goals, and be the best caregivers they can be. Our work is not finished until children of every race, ethnicity, and background have the foundation they need to succeed and thrive.

Our Values

How we work is as important as the work we do. We hold ourselves and all those with whom we work to high standards centered on our organizational values:

  • Trust - We know our actions and interactions speak louder than our words. We are dependable, transparent, honest, and operate with integrity.

  • Respect - We value the dignity, uniqueness, and intrinsic worth of every person. We take the time to get to know and honor each individual’s culture, story, and strengths.

  • Connection - We work to build trusting relationships, rooted in care and nurtured with compassion. We are present, supportive, and authentic in our interactions with others.

  • Collaboration - We believe all families and our partners want children to have their best start in life. We work together to help families achieve their goals.

  • Accountability - We take great care to behave responsibly with the resources and relationships entrusted to us. We hold ourselves to high standards for quality, efficiency, and intentionality in everything we do.
