About Every Child Succeeds
Every Child Succeeds provides prenatal to age three programs, including comprehensive home visiting services, to optimize child health and development for families from low-income backgrounds in Butler, Clermont, and Hamilton counties in Ohio as well as Boone, Campbell, Grant, and Kenton counties in Northern Kentucky. Every Child Succeeds implements evidence-based home visiting models. Professional home visitors work closely with pregnant people and new parents to develop parenting skills, improve maternal and child health, create stimulating and nurturing home environments, and connect families with other community supports.
Our partnerships with families result in:
More babies who are born healthy and on time;
More moms who feel empowered to advocate for their children;
Safer homes with high levels of stimulation and emotional support; and
Earlier detection of possible learning and developmental differences.
The Every Child Succeeds Story
Every Child Succeeds was founded by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati/Hamilton County Community Action Agency, and the United Way of Greater Cincinnati in response to brain research showing that the first three years of life are more important than all that follow.
Our Families
Our professional home visitors serve families in Butler, Clermont, and Hamilton counties in Southwest Ohio; Boone, Campbell, Grant, and Kenton counties in Northern Kentucky. The vast majority are single parents with little or no income. We’ve partnered with more than 30,000 families since 1999.
The Science
Parents are our children’s first and most important teachers. 80% of the brain is developed by the time a child turns 3-years-old. Our home visiting program is based on strong scientific evidence that a nurturing and stimulating environment is essential to support cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral development.
Our unique approach of blending home visiting with scientific research is state and nationally recognized.
“I would have been completely lost without Every Child Succeeds. I wanted to be a good mother. But, I had no idea how to go about it... She [home visitor] has helped me become a good mother and be more confident in myself.” - Ronna
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