Home Visitors are the heart of our services at Every Child Succeeds
They are trusted, caring, professionals who work tirelessly to make sure each family is getting the personalized care and support so they can be the BEST parent they can be.
Stasia L. West, Family Education Support Specialist with The Children’s Home of Cincinnati
Stasia L. West a Family Education Support Specialist with The Children’s Home Cincinnati, is one of our outstanding Home Visitors. Read more on about what she does and what she feels has been her proudest moment working one of our families.
1) What is your official title with Every Child Succeeds?
Home Visitor
2) How long have you been a Home Visitor?
1 year and 10 months
3) How many families have you worked with?
25 families
4) What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is learning with the family. Each experience is new, exciting, different from child to child. I also, enjoy utilizing teachable moments with the families.
5) What is the hardest part?
The hardest part of being a Home visitor is trying to help a Mom to use her problem solving skills in the most effective way. For example; finding Child Care that is conducive to Mom’s work schedule and convenient. Because working is a necessity, mom may consider the first Child Care Center that’s available, even if it’s inconvenient to her working schedule.
6) What is the biggest misconception about Home Visitation programs?
The biggest misconception about the Home Visitation program is that we are part of children’s services. My sole purpose is to Educate and support.
7) What has been your proudest moment?
One of my proudest moments is working with a then homeless and jobless Mom. When I met her, mom was unable to work because she had a pregnancy condition that hindered her from keeping food and liquids down. She was in and out of the hospital often during her pregnancy. Because of her condition, she lost her job and housing. Now mom has adequate housing, is working part-time, and has a working vehicle. I provided not only developmental information for mom but emotional support. I encouraged her. I even made her a card that is hanging on her refrigerator now. To see the card made me proud to know that I’m making a difference.
We at Children’s Home will sometimes donate gently used clothing/ accessories for moms because they can’t afford nice things for themselves sometimes. This mom was so grateful. I see her wearing these pieces often.